
Media Center


  • Field reporter
  • Blogger


Activity Description:

There lives the experience of a publishing office, experiences the process of production of an informative note or records your note to support informed to your digital hearing. 



20 minutes





  • Learned Values:Responsibility, dedication, integrity
  • Gained Skills:Critical thought, self-knowledge, communication 


Kool Facts:

  • The term "gazette" comes from the name of an Italian currency of the 16th century, and it was the price of an informative leaf that was selling in the street; until today this name remains for many newspapers
  • The word "blog" refers to an Internet page in which articles are published from time to time in chronological order 

Economy and Benefits B • KidZanian:

  • It gets kidZos by your marvellous notes and contents
  • ¡Receive special payments in conformity with the category of your paZZport, naturalized, distinguished or honourable citizen!